Throughout the rules and in Settings Packs specific conditions such at grappled, fatigued, unconscious, etc. have been named. Here we will list all applicable conditions and their effects:

  • Blinded: The target has had their eyesight affected enough to take away all sight. They have a -4 penalty for to hit rolls and any skill checks that would be affected by a loss of sight. 
  • Cursed: The target is cursed by a spell, hex, or other means. The affects and how to remove the curse are specified in the listing for the specific curse encountered. 
  • Diseased: The target has been infected with a disease and is severely sickened. The affects and how to cure the disease are specified in the listing for the specific disease contracted. 
  • Exhausted: The target has exerted themselves so much that they have no energy left to function. If forced to take any action in combat or requiring a skill check, they have Disadvantage while experiencing this condition. A long night's rest can cure the exhausted condition.
  • Fatigued: The target has exerted themselves too much or experienced a failure during spell casting. They will have a -2 penalty to all skill rolls while experiencing this condition. Spell failure fatigue only lasts one round unless otherwise stated in the spell description. An hour's rest can cure a fatigued condition.
  • Frightened: The target is either scared of a particular creature or area. They try to flee from the creature or area for as long as the condition is in effect. If attacked by the creature causing the fear, they can defend themselves but suffer Disadvantage to hit. 
  • Fully Invisible: The target is fully invisible to regular, infra-vision, or magical sight. Creatures attempting to locate or attack a fully invisible creature have double Disadvantage to all attack and skill check rolls against the invisible party. 
  • Grappled: The target has been wrapped up in a net, pinned in wrestling, or otherwise constrained in their movements. They may take no attack actions while grappled and opponents gain Advantage to hit for any attacks while they remain grappled. In subsequent rounds they can make an opposed grappling roll against their opponent to free themselves from the grapple. 
  • Groggy: The target has just woken from a deep sleep, unconsciousness, or heavy drinking. Their senses and thinking are impaired, and they have Disadvantage to all to hit and action rolls while experiencing this condition. The groggy condition lasts for two rounds or as long as the GM determines based on what caused the condition.
  • Hearing Impaired: The target has had their hearing affected enough to take away all hearing. They have a -2 penalty for to hit rolls and a -4 penalty for any skill checks that would be affected by a loss of hearing. 
  • Insanity: The target is completely insane and is unable to effectively communicate with any other creature or take any complex actions, including engaging in combat. The insanity can be cured either by a Remove Affliction spell or by one month's uninterrupted rest and treatment in a religious or medical institution. 
  • Invisible: The target is invisible to regular sight. Creatures attempting to locate or attack an invisible creature have a Disadvantage to all attack and skill check rolls against the invisible party. Players or creatures with infra-vision or magical means of detection have no penalty to all attack and skill check rolls against the invisible party. 
  • Loss of a Limb: The target has had an arm, leg, tail, or other limb severed from their body. They have Disadvantage for to hit rolls and any skill checks that would be affected by the loss of a limb. For multi-limbed creatures, they may not receive this condition on the loss of just one limb (e.g., a spider with eight legs would not suffer the loss of limb condition until at least three legs were severed). This condition can be overcome either by the restoration of the limb, or time used to grow accustomed to operating with the lost limb.
  • Poisoned: The target has been infected by a poison and is severely sickened. The affects and how to cure the poison are specified in the listing for the specific poison encountered. 
  • Prone: The target is laying on the ground and unable to attack or defend properly. Opponents attacking them gain Advantage to hit.
  • Subdued: The target has been tied up, pinned, wrapped, up or otherwise constrained so effectively, that they can no longer take any actions. They will remain subdued and unable to act until an outside party or force releases them from their subjugation.
  • Unconscious: The target has been knocked unconscious and is unable to move or attack while they remain in this state. They can make a d20+mental fortitude roll against a DC15 to attempt to wake up each round they are unconscious. If an outside party or force attempts to wake them, they can roll with Advantage to attempt to awaken. Once awake, they will be in the groggy condition for two rounds.