
(All items will show a cost in Satoshi's and will only show another currency when it makes in-universe sense to list it)


CurrencyUnit/Rate of ExchangeSymbolDescription
Satoshi1 unit of virtual currencySA blockchain based virtual currency. Used commonly in the entire Human Sphere.
Khimera1 unit of virtual currency (generally 100 K to an S for exchange rate)KA blockchain based virtual currency. Used only on Khimera.
Credit1 unit of physical currency. No exchange rate for any other currency.CA small, titanium coin. Used in the underworld for the exchange of goods and services.

General Equipment

(Use this listing for an acid grenade) 

A small, glass vial containing a caustic acid. Can be thrown up to 10m. Make ranged attacks against a target. On a hit, the target takes d6 acid damage. On a miss, roll d8 to determine where the vial landed and apply damage to any creature or object hit as appropriate.
(Use this listing for an incendiary grenade) 

A small, glass vial containing a sticky, flammable fluid. Can be thrown up to 10m. Make a ranged attack against a target. On a hit, the target takes d6 fire damage. On a miss, roll d8 to determine where the vial landed and apply damage to any creature or object as appropriate. On a hit, the target will continue to take 1 DMG every round until they make a successful Feats of Agility DC10 skill check to extinguish the flames.
Antitoxin50 S
An autoinjector containing a liquid that neutralizes most poisons. When taken, it gives the user +5 on a Healing skill check to stop further poison damage.
Backpack10 S
A plastic or fabric pack carried on the back. Can hold gear inside or strapped to the outside of the pack.
Barrel5 S
A plastic or metal barrel can hold a large amount of liquid or solid material for easy transport and storage.
Boots5 S
A pair of sturdy boots to protect the wearers feet.
Bucket1 S
A plastic or metal bucket can hold a small amount of liquid or solid material for easy transport and storage.
Chain (3m)5 S
A chain can be used to bind objects or for climbing. A being bound with a chain can burst the chain on a Feats of Strength DC20 skill check.
ChestVariable from 5 S to 50 S based on size and quality
A chest can hold a small, or large amount of solid material for easy transport and storage depending on its size. A chest can also be locked if a lock is installed.
Clothes, Common20 S
A typical set of clothes for the region, usually consisting of a shirt, pants or skirt, and light shoes or sandals.
Clothes, Fine100 S
A typical set of expensive clothes for the region. They could be of any style but will be currently fashionable and generally tailored.
Clothes, Traveling50 S
A set of clothes more durable than common clothes. Usually consisting of a heavy shirt, sturdy pants or skirt, boots, and a cloak.
Crowbar3 S
A thin, metal rod can be used to pry and lever objects. Adds +2 to Feats of Strength skill checks where applicable.
Flashlight6 S
A small handheld or helmet mounted light that projects a cone of light 15m in front of the instrument.
Flask3 S
A flask can hold a very small amount of liquid for easy transport or storage.
Grappling Hook2 S
A small metal hook that can be tied to the end of a rope to secure the rope to a high object like a window ledge, tree limb, or other protrusion.
Ink Pen4 S
An instrument used for writing.
Ladder (2m)7 S
A simple ladder 2m in height.
Lock, Electronic10 S
A small device that can be attached to compatible doors and storage objects to lock them, that uses an electronic key.
Lock, Physical20 S
A small device that can be attached to compatible doors and storage objects to lock them, that uses a physical key. 
Manacles, Electronic25 S
Metal shackles that can be used to restrain an appropriately sized creature. A manacled creature can make a Feats of Agility DC20 skill check to break out of the manacles, or a Feats of Strength DC20 skill check to bust the chains on the manacles. The manacles use an electronic lock and key.
Mirror3 S
A small glass or steel mirror used to look around corners, signal allies, ensure you are presentable, or examine areas you cannot see directly.
Paper/Parchment15 S
A sheet of paper or parchment used for writing. Only really used by governments and conspiracy nuts.
Pouch3 S
A small plastic or fabric sack that can be used to hold small items. Typically used to hold data drives, cosmetics, or small tools.
Rope (30m)7 S
30m of rope. If a creature is bound with a rope, they can burst out of the rope on a Feats of Strength DC17 skill check.
Shovel4 S
A handheld shovel for digging.
Signet Ring, Electronic80 S
A ring with a distinctive or personal design carved into it that can be used to leave a watermark and encryption on electronic files.
Soap1 S
Used for cleaning.
Stim-Pack15 SHeals 1 DMG for 20 minutes.An auto-injector dispensing adrenaline capable of temporarily healing damage.
String2 S
A 3m spool of fine string.
Tent30 S
A self erecting tent that can hold 2 or 4 people depending on its size.
Whistle5 S
A small whistle used for signaling.


Artist's Kit100 S
A set of speciality tools used for a specific art style.
Crafter's Kit100 SWhen used in an appropriate Crafting skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll.A set of speciality tools for a specific craft. 
Climbing Kit100 SWhen used to aid in climbing a +2 bonus is added to the Feats of Agility skill check roll.A set of tools to aid in climbing various surfaces. 
Disguise Kit100 SWhen used in a bluff or deceptive Persuasion skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll.A set of tools to create a disguise. 
Healing Kit100 SWhen used in a Healing skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll. Further Healing Kit effects are detailed in the Healing section of the Combat rules.A set of tools used in first aid. 
Lockpicks75 SPhysical and Electronic lockpicks must be purchased separately. When used in a Sleight of Hand skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll.A set of electronic or physical tools to aid picking a lock. 
Mess Kit10 S
A set of tools for preparing and cooking food in camping or rough conditions.
Musical InstrumentsVariable from 5 S to 1000 S depending on the type and quality of the instrumentsA musical  instrument only provides a bonus to a performance check if it is magical or of a very rare quality.A specific musical instrument used in making music, signaling, or aiding in another performance type. 


Car, FlyingvariableVehicleList out different models of flying cars.
Car, SurfacevariableVehicleList out different models of cars
MotorcyclevariableVehicleList out different models
Atmospheric FlyervariableVehicleList out different planes, helicopters, and drones
ShuttlecraftvariableVehicleList out different small craft capable of space flight
Private ShipvariableVehicleA smaller sailed or motorized ship able to travel any body of water on a planet. Usually used for pleasure cruses, slow surface travel, or light commerce.
Cargo/Working ShipvariableVehicleA large sailed or motorized ship able to travel any large body of water on a planet. Usually used for cargo transport, large scale fishing or other commercial enterprises.
System SpacecraftvariableVehicleLarge and small spacecraft capable of travel within a star system used for interplanetary travel, trade, commercial enterprises, or security.
L-Drive SpacecraftvariableVehicleMassive ships equipped with an L-Drive and capable of travel between star systems in and beyond the Human Sphere. Typically used for interstellar trade and travel or colony founding.





Police/Security Monitor

Flying Body Cam

Nano Swarm


Small Armed

Medium Armed

Large Armed


Food and Lodging

Ale1 S+
A common, alcoholic beverage
Cal-Stim5 S
A one use stim shot containing enough nutrients to keep an average being sated for a day. Not safe for long term use beyond a week before causing fatigue and growing medical issues.
Lager1 S+
A cool, alcoholic beverage
Pre-Paks5 S
Pre-packaged meals of low quality often sold in vending machines
Restaurant, Common10 S
A meal at a sit down restaurant affordable by the average corporate worker
Restaurant, Nice25 S
A meal at a sit down restaurant with finer food affordable a a splurge for the average corporate worker
Restaurant, Expensive100 S+
A meal at a highly rated, posh restaurant only available to the well off.
Restaurant, Executive1000 S+
A meal at a restaurant so expensive and exclusive only a corporate executive or independently wealthy individual can afford it
Slurry1 S
A nutritional paste used to feed the poorest people or lowest level corporate workers
Spirits10 S+
A distilled, alcoholic beverage
Wine5 S+
An alcoholic beverage from fermented grapes
ItemCost per WeekAttributesNotes
Hostel5 S
A bed and lockbox in a shared room with access to a mess hall with vending machines
Capsule7 S
A private capsule in a hotel or living block access to shared bathrooms, eating halls, and laundry.
Corp Lodging, Common100 S
A small apartment for an individual or small family for corporate workers.
Corp Lodging, Management250 S
A small apartment for an individual or small family with extra amenities, for corporate managers.
Corp Lodging, Executive1000 S
An apartment for an individual or small family with well appointed amenities for low level corporate executives.
Flop House10 S
A crappy, private room at a seedy hotel.
Hotel, Common50 S
An average quality room at a nondescript hotel.
Hotel, Luxury200 S+
A nice room or suite at a well-appointed hotel.


Ballistic Cloth75 SDR 1Normal appearing clothing laced with ballistic grade fibers
Plastron150 S DR 2Outer shell enhanced plastic armor. Typically used by police and security forces.
Nano Weave400 SDR 1, DR3 vs slashing/piercing attacksLightweight armor laced with teflon nano fabrics that are especially resistant to knives and other bladed attacks.
Laz-Shield750 SDR 3 against laser or other energy weapons onlyA localized energy shield that disperses laser energy effectively, but is useless against all other attacks.
Tac-Suit1500 SDR 3An all encompassing armor suit with well rounded protection against all types of attacks.



Axe, Vibro55 SD6 DMG SlashingA light hand axe with a mechanically vibrating blade. Created for easier woodwork and now used by thugs of all stripes.
Baton5 SD4 DMG BludgeoningA plastic or metal baton often collapsable and used by police, security forces, or those needing a discreet weapon
Knife7 SD4 DMG Slashing/PiercingA small, bladed weapon.
Shockpole150 SD6 DMG Bludgeoning and electricA 2.5m long pole with a blunt, electrified end. Commonly used by riot police and security forces.
Sword, MonoBlade250 SD8 DMG Slashing/Piercing negates nano weave protections from slashing/piercing damageA one or one and a half hand sword with a mono atom thick blade edge. 
Sword, Vibro150 SD8 DMG Slashing/PiercingA one or one and a half hand sword with a mechanically vibrating blade. Weapon of choice by the meanest in the Underworld for close combat.
Whip, Electric25 SD6 DMG slashing and electric shock. Capable of a grapple using a called shot.A handheld whip capable of striking a target 5m away with a battery powered electric charge
Whip, Monofilament250 SD8 DMG Slashing. Negates DR from all armor except Nano Weave.A whip with an illuminated lash only one micron thick capable of striking a target 5m away. 

Ranged (Personal)

Pistol25 SD6 DMG PiercingA short barreled firearm capable of firing only one type of round per clip.
Smart Pistol400 SVariableA short barreled firearm capable of firing 3 types of rounds per 10 round clip.
Smart Rifle750 SvariableA long barreled firearm capable of firing 3 types of rounds per 20 round clip.
Rifle75 SD8 DMGA long barreled firearm capable of firing only one type of ammo per clip.
Shotgun100 SD8 DMG Piercing (Shot) or Bludgeoning (Slug)A rifle sized gun firing dispersing shot or heavy slugs.
Sub Machine Gun300 SD6 DMG Piercing. Capable of 3 round burst for D8 DMGA mid barreled rifle capable of firing short bursts of rounds. 
200 SD4 DMG Electric. Capable of grappling target.A small rifle firing expanding net cartridges. Used by police and security forces for non-lethal capture.
Flechette Thrower500 SD6 DMG Piercing. Negates Ballistic Cloth DR. Ineffective against Plastron or Tac-suit armor.A short barreled rifle that fires rounds filled with tiny, sharp spikes. Used as an anti-personnel weapon.
Laz-Pistol2000 SD8 DMG Energy BeamA small barreled gun firing a laser energy beam.
Laz-Rifle3500 SD10 DMG Energy BeamA long barreled gun firing a laser energy beam.

Ranged (Heavy Arms)

Auto-cannon750 SD12 DMG BludgeoningA vehicle mounted slug thrower. Capable of 5 shots.
Tripod Turret
D10 DMGA small, tripod mounted turret firing 3 round bursts. Capable of 20 bursts.
Cannon2500 SD12 DMG, negates DR, reload, crewedA Bombard is a massive artillery piece that needs to be transported on a heavy wagon or sld. It requires a crew of three people to fire and has an effective range of 700m. Everyone in a 5m radius of where the shot lands must roll a Feats of Agility DC10 skill check. A success takes half damage and a failure takes full damage. It takes 5 rounds to reload a Bombard.
Mortar400 SD8 DMG, reduce DR by 3, reload, crewedA Mortar is a smaller artillery piece that throws its shell in a high arc and is good at firing over walls. It requires a crew of 2 people to fire and has an effective range of 300m. Everyone in a 5m radius of where the shot lands must roll Feats of Agility DC10 skill check. A successful roll takes half damage, a failure takes full damage. It takes 2 rounds to reload a mortar.
Recoilless Rifle400 SD10 DMG Bludgeoning. ReloadA vehicle mounted rifle with a recoil dampening system. Requires a full round to reload.


ItemCost per clipAttributesNotes
Bullets, White Phosphorus25 SFireA bullet that disperses White Phosphorus upon impact.
Bullets, Flare7 SFireA bullet that ignites like a small flare upon firing.
Bullets, Armor Piercing15 SBludgeoning. Negates 1 DR of armor protectionA heavy bullet built to penetrate armor.
Flechette Clip25 SPiercingA clip for a Flechette Rifle capable of 10 shots.
Laz-Pistol Charge50 SEnergy BeamA charge pack for a Laz-Pistol capable of 15 shots.
Laz-Rifle Charge75 SEnergy BeamA charge pack for a Laz-Rifle capable of 20 shots.
Net Thrower Cartridge10 SElectric and GrappleA one round cartridge for a Net Thrower.
Pistol Clip5 SBludgeoningA clip for a pistol holding 8 rounds.
Rifle Clip7 SBludgeoningA clip for a rifle capable of holding 15 rounds
Sub Machine Gun Clip10 SBludgeoningA clip for an SMG capable of holding 25 rounds
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