Playable Species


The predominant species on Ata. They were granted sentience after the Al'Kem and were nurtured by the first born and have been fast friends ever since. All cities and cultures on Ata are built to Al'Kem heights and both species live together as one. 

 Humans are a varied and prolific species. Most of the major civilizations on Ata are human led, and they are the most likely to bond with others to produce the Anassed, Kadath, and Sephlim. They range from four to seven feet in height with most people averaging five to six feet, weigh from ninety to two hundred fifty pounds as adults, and can have almost any skin, hair, and eye color possible. 

When creating a Human character, you start with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, humans start out with 1 skill rank in Feats of Agility and 1 skill rank in Persuasion. 


The first species to be raised to sentience by the Titans, the Al'Kem were initially sheltered from much of the harshness of the world at large and grew to be great builders and artisans. When Humans appeared, they took them under their protection and taught them the ways of the world, but quickly found that humanity adapted better to life outside the few Al'Kem conclaves, so they willingly gave up their roles as mentors as both species began to explore and populate the wider world. They tend to be more thoughtful and creative than most humans, but this is just a generalization about the Al'Kem as a whole and individuals can be as unique as any human in their actions and desires. 

The Al'Kem are a humanoid species averaging eight to ten feet in height with massive builds and weighing from two hundred fifty up to four hundred pounds as adults. Their skin, eyes, and hair are mix of muted metallic colors like bronze, copper, silver, and gold. Their features tend to be a bit more angular than the average Human. 

When creating an Al'Kem character, you start with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, Al'Kem start out with 1 skill rank in Feats of Strength, and 1 skill rank in Perception. 


The elemental beings of fire, air, earth, and water often visit Ata and trade with the people of the areas they frequent. Occasionally this has led to rituals of bonding that have produced half elemental and half human progeny. The Anassed are humanoids that exhibit some characteristics of the elemental involved in the ritual that spawned them. They are generally viewed favorably by the Al'Kem and Human populations of Ata as their closeness with the primal elements can bring benefits to a tribe and they are always the product of a conscious choice to ritually bond between two beings.

Anassed have the same height and weight ranges as Humans. However, their hair, eyes, and skin color tend to favor the colors of the elements they are in tune with, fiery reds and oranges, airy blues and whites, earthy browns and greens, and watery blues and greens. In addition to these favored colors, some Anassed that strongly favor their elemental side can exhibit more direct elemental characteristics like flaming eyes, constantly blowing hair, mossy skin, or webbed hands and feet. 

When creating an Anassed character, you start with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, Anassed start out with 1 skill rank in either Feats of Strength or Feats of Agility as appropriate and 1 skill rank in Insight. 


The Kadath have had a rough time since the coming of Shadrak. Even before the coming of the Death God, the Kadath were viewed with a bit of suspicion. Although, the infernal beings of the Atan hell are looked at more as guardians of the wicked than being wicked themselves, the idea that someone would willingly bond with an infernal was considered strange and the Kadath progeny regularly had to prove themselves to the Al'Kem and Humans. Since the arrival of Shadrak and conquest of Ata by his infernal hoard, many have begun to wonder if infernals really are wicked and the Kadath by extension. 

Kadath have the same height and weight ranges as Humans. However, their hair and skin color tend toward a shade of grey and eyes are usually either all black or red. In addition to these favored colors, some Kadath that strongly favor their infernal side can exhibit more direct infernal characteristics like short, twisted horns, or sinuous tails.

When creating a Kadath character, you start out with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, Kadath start out with 1 skill rank in Feats of Agility and 1 skill rank in Mental Fortitude.


Celestial beings serving the gods of Ata have always visited the people and tended to special areas on the planet. Although not as revered as the Titans, the celestial servants were still held in high regard as direct servants of the gods. Occasionally, a celestial and terrestrial being would bond and a Sephlim was the result. These beatific beings often hold high position in Atan religious orders, and since the coming of Shadrak have begun leading armies against the invaders.

Sephlim have the same height and weight ranges as Humans. However, their hair and skin color tend toward shades of alabaster white, gold, silver, and granite, with eyes that are usually either all gold or all white. In addition to these favored colors, some Sephlim that strongly favor their celestial side can exhibit more direct celestial characteristics like feathered arms and legs or shining eyes. 

When creating a Sephlim character, you start out with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, Sephlim start out with 1 skill rank in Feats of Strength and 1 skill rank in Mental Fortitude.

Al'Kem Mixed Species

Although they are far more rare than humans bonded with outsiders, the Al'Kem do at times bond and produce their own versions of the Anassed, Kadath, and Sephlim. When they do, they usually favor the Al'Kem side and do not exhibit the more direct characteristics of their outsider bond. They do use the initial skill point distribution of the Anassed, Kadath, or Sephlim as appropriate during character creation.

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