
How does Alchemy work in Space Galleons?

Different gases in nebulas and other celestial structures can be combined and manipulated to create different alchemical substances that can be used directly or added to other items to change their properties. There is large industry around gas farming and collection to feed alchemical workshops around The Black dedicated to creating elixirs, salves, tinctures, powders, and such that can be used to create all manner of effects.

Most alchemists divide their substances into simple and complex works. Simple works are achieved by directly combining raw gases to create an immediate effect (i.e., pumping two gases into the same test tube to produce a light source). Those that specialize in this manner of alchemy can be easy to spot as they often wear clothing with lots of pockets, pouches, and belts full of small metal or glass tubes holding all the compressed gases they might need at any given moment. The alchemical syringe is a common item used to store a gas and then quickly press it out of the syringe for a quick combination. Complex works are achieved by using distillation, fermentation, sublimation, and other methods to refine and process the gases into other substances that can then be combined to create more stable effects or longer lasting effects (i.e., distilling several gases into liquids, combining those liquids with wax to create a salve, and coating weapon with that salve so it can be used to cause great harm to a particular type of creature).

Most people are familiar with the principles of alchemy and are more than happy to purchase finished solutions or easy combination kits so they can augment their devices or boost their abilities. However, there are lots of organizations and individuals moving through The Black that will likely encounter a large variety of situations that cannot be planned for but could benefit from an alchemical boost. This is where the most daring alchemists shine as they attempt to come up with new alchemical substances and effects on demand and often times in stressful situations. They may have a few handy recipes ready to go at a moments notice, but are often called upon to come up with a new recipe on the fly as a unique situation arises. If they are lucky the Space Galleon they are travelling on will have a laboratory to provide additional stock and equipment to assist in their workings, if not they better hope they are carrying the right combination of substances to get the job done.

Alchemical Skills

Although the effects created from alchemy often overlap with or appear to be magical in nature, alchemy is a very different disciple involving the manipulation of physical matter rather than the mental manipulation of intangible forces. Therefore, anyone wishing to practice alchemy will use the following set of skills:

  • Alchemy
    • Simple Working (determine the success in combining raw materials for a simple working)
    • Complex Working (determine the success in refining and combining substances for a complex working)
    • Research (determine the success in researching and creating a new alchemical recipe)
    • Invention (determine the success in coming up with a new alchemical recipe on the fly)

Alchemical Game Mechanics

Simple Works

As long as all the required substances are on hand, simple works can be created in one round. The player declares which recipe they are going to use, ensures they have the required substances, and then rolls a Simple Working skill check against the recipes DC. The recipe effect is created immediately, but it contained in the mixing vial. If the player states that they are dumping the substances together in the open, then the effect takes place on that spot the instant the working is completed successfully. If the effect is contained in the vial, then it will only affect other objects or creatures when swallowed, poured out, the vial is broken, etc..

Complex Works

Usually more powerful than simple works, the time and materials required for a complex work can allow the alchemist to create truly lasting and powerful effects. In addition, an alchemist can be aided in the creation of complex works by another practitioner to help ensure the working is successful.

As with simple works, the alchemist declares which recipe they are going to use, ensures they have the required substances, and then rolls a Complex Working skill check against the recipes DC. The recipe’s description indicates how long it takes to complete the complex working. As with a simple working, if the recipe is completed in a container the effect does not affect other objects or creatures until released, or the effect is instantaneous upon successful completion of the work when done in the open. If another practitioner assists the alchemists in the complex working, the lead alchemist makes the Complex Working skill check with ADV.


When an alchemist desires to change an existing recipe or create an entirely new recipe, they can use the research process. Researching a new recipe takes one week to complete and at the end of the week, the alchemist rolls an Alchemy Research skill check with a DC determined by the GM (This DC should match the DC needed to successfully make a work from the recipe going forward). If successful, the alchemist adds the recipe to their list of ready recipes, if unsuccessful the alchemist cannot attempt to research and create that same recipe for another month.Time and DC can be reduced when additional assistance is provided during research. If the alchemist has access to a full alchemical lab during recipe research, the time to complete their research is reduced by 2 days. If the alchemist is aided by another alchemist with a higher Alchemy Research skill level their their own, the DC to create the recipe is reduced by 2. These aids can be combined so that an alchemist with access to a lab and a more experienced alchemist during research only needs 5 days and a DC 2 lower than normal to succeed.


Brave, foolhardy, and/or talented alchemists can attempt to create a new effect on the fly without a recipe. Using their foundational knowledge of alchemical substances and how they mix, the alchemist can attempt to determine a proper working in the moment. As with a simple work, the alchemist declares the desired effect, assembles the substances they believe will create the effect, then rolls an Alchemical Invention skill check against a DC determined by the GM (A good rule of thumb to use in determining the DC is adding +4 to the DC of an existing recipe that creates the same effect, or starting at DC 15 and going up from there depending on the power of the effect produced). If successful, the effect is produced immediately and affects objects or creatures based on whether it was produced in the open or in a container as above.

Unlike researching a recipe, a successful Invention does create a working, but does not give the alchemist a recipe they can use for subsequent workings. Invention is often the result of a brilliant flash of insight, some stress in the moment, and a lot of luck. Trying to recreate the exact formula again usually results in failure. However, if you have successfully invented an effect and later wish to research it to create a recipe, you can lower the DC for success by another 2 points due to your head start.

Additional Game Mechanics

Many alchemical recipes will contain Critical Failure and Critical Success effects. Generally speaking, rolling a 1 on a working will result not only in a failure of the working, but an explosion as the mixed substances react badly. Critical successes are usually a heightened effect above what is normally created by the working.

Even complex works rarely require great quantities of alchemical substances, so it is quite possible that an alchemist with lots of pockets or bandoliers full of vials can carry all of the substances necessary to create multiple works from a large variety of recipes.

In general an alchemist that is carrying a large supply of substances and is hit for damage will not receive any additional damage or lose substances due to vials breaking. However, if the alchemist takes a great fall, is crushed by a large object, or is affected in a way that would seemingly cause damage over much of their person then the GM can rule that they need to succeed on a DC 15 Simple Working skill check to avoid an accidental mixing. The results of an accidental mixing are determined by the GM, but are usually d4 DMG due to an explosion. In addition to the above damage scenarios, the GM could rule that another story appropriate cause could lead to an accidental mixing (e.g., the villain specifically attempts to damage the vials, the character is laying next to a pool of lava and the extreme heat causes some of the substances to boil out of their vials, etc.).


Fire Acid

Black Powder

Sleep Powder

Stink Cloud

Detox Tincture

Pain Salve

Energy Tincture

Fog Cloud

Nausea Cloud

Invisibility Salve

Polymorph Tincture

Forgetfulness Powder

Flash Powder

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