
Combat Skills

  • Melee (Use of hand to hand weapons)
  • Ranged (Personal) (Use of ranged weapons made to be used by an individual)
  • Ranged (Heavy Arms) (Use of ranged weapons made to be used by a crew of people)

Magic Skills

  • Casting (casting a specific spell)
  • Counter (countering the spell casting of a foe or magic effect)
  • Create (create a new spell formula, imbue an item with magic or create a scroll or spell book entry)
  • Detect/Identify (detecting and/or identifying magic in an area or on an object)

Alchemy Skills

  • Simple Working (determine the success in combining raw materials for a simple working)
  • Complex Working (determine the success in refining and combining substances for a complex working)
  • Research (determine the success in researching and creating a new alchemical recipe)
  • Invention (determine the success in coming up with a new alchemical recipe on the fly)

Physical Skills

  • Feats of Agility (leap over a pit, swing from a rope, etc.)
  • Feats of Strength (break down a door, lift a heavy object, etc.)
  • Perception (spotting hidden things, out of place items, or important items)
  • Riding/Driving (riding an animal, driving or piloting a vehicle)
  • Sleight of Hand (picking a lock, picking a pocket, optical illusions and tricks)
  • Stealth (sneak around an area unnoticed or hiding, bonus can be affected by armor or other items worn or carried)

Social Skills

  • Insight (ability to read other being's moods and intentions)
  • Mental Fortitude (ability to resist mental effect spells, mental power attacks, fear, etc.)
  • Persuasion (can involve debate, intimidation, bluffing, deception, etc.)
  • Performance (singing, dancing, acting, etc.)
    • This skill can be taken multiple time with different performance skills each time.

Knowledge Skills

  • Crafting (knowledge of a specific craft like brewing, carpentry, blacksmithing, etc.)
    • This skill can be taken multiple time with different crafts each time
  • Culture (knowledge of cultural practices, history, and other societal practices)
  • Healing (non-magical first aid, tending to a wounded player, surgery, etc.)
  • Investigation (digging through archives, looking for clues, piecing together puzzles, etc.)
  • Spiritual (knowledge of religions, spiritual practices, and beliefs)
  • Street Smarts (knowledge of urban life and city survival skills)
  • Technology (use of complex mechanisms, inventing new devices, etc.)
  • Wilderness Survival (knowledge of plants, animals, tracking, and wilderness survival skills)
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