
Space Galleons, Modules, and Fittings are listed in the Space Galleons section of the Setting Pack.


A Copper1 copper coin
A very small, copper coin commonly used for most everyday transactions
A Silv10 copper coins
A thin, silver coin that is mostly used in mercantile transactions
Doubloon10 silver coins
A thin, gold coin used by the state or the very rich for the largest of trade interactions
A Tenner10 gold coins
A sheet of gold with score marks designating 10 slivers. Used to carry large amounts of currency that would be bulky to carry in loose coins. Can be cut along score lines to make change as needed. Often exchanged at a Banque when more than half the sheet is slivered away. 

General Equipment

Acid (vial)5 scacidA small, glass vial containing a caustic acid. Can be thrown up to 10m. Make ranged attacks against a target. On a hit, the target takes d6 acid damage. On a miss, roll d8 to determine where the vial landed and apply damage to any creature or object hit as appropriate.
Alchemist's Fire1 gcFireA small, glass vial containing a sticky, flammable fluid. Can be thrown up to 10m. Make a ranged attack against a target. On a hit, the target takes d6 fire damage. On a miss, roll d8 to determine where the vial landed and apply damage to any creature or object as appropriate. On a hit, the target will continue to take 1 DMG every round until they make a successful Feats of Agility DC10 skill check to extinguish the flames.
Antitoxin5 sc
A small, glass vial containing a liquid that neutralizes most poisons. When ingested, it gives the imbiber +5 on a Healing skill check to stop further poison damage.
Backpack5 cc
A cloth or hide pack carried on the back. Can hold gear inside or strapped to the outside of the pack.
Barrel1 sc
A barrel can hold a large amount of liquid or solid material for easy transport and storage.
Basket1 cc
A basket can hold a small amount of solid material for easy transport and storage.
Bedroll2 cc
Bedding and blanket thin enough to be rolled up and tied and used to sleep more comfortably when a regular bed is not available.
Bell1 sc
A small bell that can be used for signaling Guyn
Black/Gun Powder1 gcFire and BludgeonA small pouch of powder that ignites with a fuse or open flame. It can be used in guns and as a general explosive. It can be thrown up to 10m. Make a ranged attack against a target. On a hit the target takes d6 fire and bludgeoning damage. On a miss, roll d8 to determine where the pouch landed and apply damage to any creature or object hit as appropriate. When detonated, every creature in a 5m radius must make a Feat of Agility DC10 skill check or gain the Hearing Impaired condition for 3 rounds.
Block and Tackle7 cc
Pullys, ropes, and hooks used to hoist items of much greater weight than an individual can normally lift.
Book5 sc for blank book, variable for already written book
A book contains knowledge or instructions on just about any subject imaginable and can be used as a reference in situations described in its contents. If the book is referenced before a Knowledge skill check on its subject a +2 bonus is added to the roll. A book may also start blank and be used to fill in adventure notes, journal entries, or spells by the owner.
Boots3 cc
A pair of sturdy boots to protect the wearers feet.
Bucket1 cc
A bucket can hold a small amount of liquid or solid material for easy transport and storage.
Candle1 cc for 5 candles
Can be used to illuminate to a 2m radius.
CenserVariable from 1 sc to 10 go depending on ornateness
An incense burner on a short chain used in religious ceremonies and ritual spell casting.
Chain (3m)5 gc
A chain can be used to bind objects or for climbing. A being bound with a chain can burst the chain on a Feats of Strength DC20 skill check.
Chalk1 cc for 5 pieces
A stick of chalk used for writing and marking on various surfaces.
ChestVariable from 5 cc to 5 gc based on size and quality
A chest can hold a small, or large amount of solid material for easy transport and storage depending on its size. A check can also be locked if a lock is installed.
Clothes, Common2 sc
A typical set of clothes for the region, usually consisting of a shirt, pants or skirt, and light shoes or sandals.
Clothes, Fine5 gc
A typical set of expensive clothes for the region. They could be of any style but will be currently fashionable and generally tailored.
Clothes, Traveling5 sc
A set of clothes more durable than common clothes. Usually consisting of a heavy shirt, sturdy pants or skirt, boots, and a cloak.
Crowbar1 gc
A thin, metal rod can be used to pry and lever objects. Adds +2 to Feats of Strength skill checks where applicable.
Fishing Tackle3 cc
A rod, line, bobbers and sinkers, and hooks for fishing.
Flask2 cc
A flask can hold a very small amount of liquid for easy transport or storage.
Grappling Hook5 sc
A small metal hook that can be tied to the end of a rope to secure the rope to a high object like a window ledge, tree limb, or other protrusion.
Hourglass5 gc
A small hourglass used to measure the passage of time.
Ink1 sc
A small, glass bottle of ink used for writing.
Ink Pen4 cc
An instrument used for writing.
Incense1 cc for 5 sticks or small chunks
A small amount of incense used in religious or magical rituals.
Ladder (2m)6 cc
A simple wooden ladder 2m in height.
Lamp5 cc for regular, 2 sc for hooded or bullseye
An oil burning lamp that can be used to illuminate a 10m radius. For additional cost, it can have a hood to cover the flame entirely, or a bullseye shade that focuses the illumination and allows the lantern to illuminate a 20m cone.
Lock2 sc
A key lock that can be used to lock a chest, door, or other object that will accept the lock.
Magnifying Glass6 sc
A small lens with a handle that can be used to look closer at small objects. When used for an Investigation skill check on a small object it adds a +2 bonus to the check. When direct sunlight or other strong light source is available, it can be used to light a fire.
Manacles2 sc
Metal shackles that can be used to restrain an appropriately sized creature. A manacled creature can make a Feats of Agility DC20 skill check to break out of the manacles, or a Feats of Strength DC20 skill check to bust the chains on the manacles.
Mirror2 gc
A small glass or steel mirror used to look around corners, signal allies, ensure you are presentable, or examine areas you cannot see directly.
Oil Flask7 cc
A small, flask of oil used to light a lantern or soak an object to ignite it. Can be thrown 10m. On a hit, the target is covered in oil and the oil can be ignited with any open or magical flame. On a miss, roll d8 to determine where the oil landed, and the appropriate creature or object is now covered in oil. Oil that is lit on fire causes d6 damage for two rounds.
Paper/Parchment1 sc
A sheet of paper or parchment used for writing.
Pot, iron8 sc
An iron pot that can be used to store or cook liquids.
Pouch1 cc
A small cloth or hide pouch that can be used to hold small items. Typically used to hold money, sling bullets, or small tools.
Quiver4 cc
A case used to hold arrows or crossbow bolts.
Rope, Hemp (30m)6 cc
30m of hemp rope. If a creature is bound with help rope, they can burst out of the rope on a Feats of Strength DC17 skill check.
Sack3 cc
A large cloth or hide sack that can be used to store a fair number of items.
Scale6 gc
A small, portable scale that can be used to weigh items.
Sealing Wax1 cc for 5 small sticks
A stick of wax that can be used to seal documents or stamp them with your personal seal.
Shovel2 cc
A handheld shovel for digging.
Signet Ring3 gc
A ring with a distinctive or personal design carved into it that can be used with sealing wax to seal or leave an identifying mark on documents and other objects.
Snowshoes4 cc
Wood and rope shoes used to travel quickly over snowy terrain.
Soap1 cc
Used for cleaning.
Spikes3 sc
A set of small iron spikes.
Spyglass15 gc
A portable looking glass that can magnify distant objects and make them easier to see and identify.
Stake1 cc
A short, wooden stake.
String2 cc
A 3m spool of fine string.
Tent5 sc
A cloth or hide tent that can hold 2 or 4 people depending on its size.
Tinderbox5 cc
A small box with flint, steel, and a small amount of tinder used for lighting fires.
Torch1 cc
A piece of wood with cloth on one end that can be used to illuminate a 10m radius.
Vial3 sc
A small, empty, glass vial to store a small amount of liquid or powder.
Void Suit30 gc
A tethered pressure suit with a metal helm used for walking in  space. The air tube can be used for communication as well.
Whetstone1 cc
A small stone used for sharpening blades.
Whistle4 sc
A small whistle used for signaling.


Alchemist's Kit25 gc
A set used by alchemists to create potions, elixirs, and other alchemical agents. When used in an appropriate Create Magic skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll.
Artist's Kit25 gc
A set of speciality tools used for a specific art style.
Crafter's Kit25 gc
A set of speciality tools for a specific craft. When used in an appropriate Crafting skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll.
Climbing Kit25 gc
A set of tools to aid in climbing various surfaces. When used to aid in climbing a +2 bonus is added to the Feats of Agility skill check roll.
Disguise Kit25 gc
A set of tools to create a disguise. When used in a bluff or deceptive Persuasion skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll.
Healing Kit25 gc
A set of tools used in first aid. When used in a Healing skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll. Further Healing Kit effects are detailed in the Healing section of the Combat rules.
Lockpicks5 gc
A set of tools to aid picking a lock. When used in a Sleight of Hand skill check a +2 bonus is added to the roll.
Mess Kit1 gc
A set of tools for preparing and cooking food.
Musical InstrumentsVariable from 5 cc to 10 gc depending on the type and quality of the instruments
A specific musical instrument used in making music, signaling, or aiding in another performance type. A musical  instrument only provides a bonus to a performance check if it is magical or of a very rare quality.

Mounts and Vehicles (Ground)

Barding5 sc to 5 gc depending on the type of barding
Armor for living mounts. Can very from 1 - 3 DR depending on the material used.
Bit and Bridle3 sc
Used to direct living mounts.
Camel10 gcMountA camel can move twice as fast as a human and carry four times as much as a human. A camel does not need water for 10 days after drinking its fill.
Carriage/Cart50 gcVehicleA vehicle down by one or a team of living mounts depending on its size. A carriage or cart can be used to carry multiple people and/or large amounts of cargo. Will cut travel speed in half in rough terrain.
Dogsled1 gcVehicleA sled pulled by a team of dogs. Can move twice as fast as a human and carry twice as much as a human. Cannot move through very soft or rugged terrain like marshes or rocky fields.
Donkey/Mule5 gcMountA donkey can move the same speed as a human and carry four times as much as a human. A donkey can also pull a carriage or cart.
Draft Horse8gcMountA sturdy horse used for carrying large loads. A draft horse can move twice as fast as a human and can carry four times as much as a human. A draft horse can also pull a carriage or cart.
Elephant15 gcMountA large mount that can move twice as fast as  a human for short bursts and carry five times as much as a human. An elephant can also pull a carriage or cart and can easily carry three humans at a time.
Feed (per day)2 cc
A days worth of feed typically consumed by a living mount.
Galley800 gcVehicleA large, sailed ship used to transport people and/or cargo across open ocean. A galley has an average speed of 5km an hour. See Sailing rules for operational details.
Keelboat 50 gcVehicleA shallow draft boat used in rivers, marshes, and coastal waters to transport people and/or cargo. A keelboat has an average speed of 2km an hour. See Sailing rules for operational details.
Longship500 gcVehicleA long, oared and sail equipped ship with a shallow draft that can sail open oceans, coastal waters, or larger rivers. A longship has an average speed of 3km an hour when rowed or 5km an hour under sail. See Sailing rules for operational details.
Pony8 gcMountA pony can move twice as fast as human and carry three times as much as a human. A pony can also pull a small carriage, cart, or a dogsled.
Riding Horse10 gcMountA sleek horse used for fast riding. A riding horse can move three times as fast as a human and carry twice as much as a human. A riding horse can pull a carriage or cart, but it is a poor use of the animal.
Saddle7 sc
A saddle appropriate to the living mount in use allowing a person to ride the mount comfortably and safely.
Saddlebags5 sc
A set of bags that can be hung from the saddle and mount and used to carry additional cargo.
Sailing Ship300 gcVehicleA smaller, sailed ship used in coastal waters and larger rivers to transport people and/or cargo. See Sailing rules for operational details.
Sled Dog2 gcMountA sled dog is used in teams to pull a dogsled. A sled dog can move twice as fast as a human and carry half the amount of a human when carrying cargo directly. Sled dogs pulling a sled can only travel 4 hours a day without gaining the Exhausted condition.
Warhorse20 gcMountA warhorse is a massive horse trained for battle. A warhorse can move twice as fast a a human and carry four times as much as a human. A warhorse is trained for war and their attacks are outlined in the Creatures section of the Setting Pack.

Food and Lodging

Ale1 cc
A common, alcoholic beverage.
Bread1 cc
A staple of most people's daily diet.
Cheese2 cc
A staple of most people's daily diet.
Dates1 cc
A quick snack, or sweet desert.
Fish3 cc
A staple of coastal diets.
Lager 1 cc
A cool, alcoholic beverage.
Mead2 cc
A honeyed, alcoholic beverage.
Rations (1 day)5 cc
Dried foods suitable for extended travel.
Wine5 cc
An alcoholic beverage from fermented grapes.

Bath house lodgings1 cc
A bed and privacy screen at a public bath house.
Inn, Poor1 cc
A low class, shared room at an inn.
Inn, Common Room2 cc
A shared room at a decent inn.
Inn, Private Room5 cc
A private room at a decent inn.
Inn, Elegant Room3 sc
A private room at a high-class inn.


Cloth3 scDR 1Simple double layered cloth armor.
Padded5 scDR 1Quilted and padded multi-layer cloth armor. Can also provide protection from cold.
Leather1 gcDR 2Boiled leather armor pieces.
Maille10 gcDR 3Joined rings of metal covering the upper half of the body or to the knees. -1 penalty to all Stealth rolls.
Plate50 gcDR 4Hardened steel plate armor pieces. -2 penalty to all Stealth rolls.
Crystal Weave100 GCDR 4A sleek suit of crystal weave fibers. -1 penalty on all Stealth rolls.



Battle Axe3 gcD8 DMGA large, two bladed axe.
Club5 ccD4 DMGA crude, wooden club
Cutlass1 gcD8 DMGA short, heavy bladed one handed sword with a deep curve to the blade
Dagger1 scD4 DMGA small, bladed weapon
Halberd5 gcD8 DMGA 2m long pole weapon with a large axe blade
Hand Axe3 scD6 DMGA small, single bladed axe
Mace2 gcD6 DMGA small metal head on an short wooden shaft
Net8 scGrapple ConditionA weighted net that can be thrown 5m. On a successful hit the target is grappled and must make a Feats of Agility DC10 skill check to escape.
Pike3 gcD8 DMGA 3 to 5m long pole weapon with a large spear tip.
Rapier2 gcD6 DMGA long, thin bladed one-handed sword.
Saber1 gcD6 DMGA light bladed, one-handed sword with a very slight curve to the blade.
Shamshir2 gcD8 DMGA heavy one-handed sword with a slight curve to the blade.
Spear8 scD6 DMGA 2m long pole weapon with a small, pointed end.
War Hammer2 gcD6 DMGA small hammer head on a short shaft.
War Pick2 gc D6 DMGA small pick head on a short shaft.

Ranged (Personal)

Arquebus15 gcD8 DMG, reduce DR by 1, reload.A long barrel firearm that shoots metal bullets at targets with an effective range of 100m. An arquebus takes a full round to reload.
Blowgun1 ccD4 DMGA short tube used to blow thin darts at targets with an effective range of 10m.
Crossbow, Light3 gcD6 DMGA small handheld crossbow that shoots bolts at targets with an effective range of 300m.
Crossbow, Heavy5 gcD8 DMG, reloadA large handheld crossbow that shoots bolts at targets with an effective range of 350m. A heavy crossbow takes a full round to reload.
Javelin2 scD6 DMGA very short spear used for ranged attacks with an effective range of 25m.
Longbow2 gcD6 DMGA large bow that shoots arrows at targets with an effective range of 300m. -2 to hit when used on a mount.
Musket50 gcD8 DMG, reduce DR by 1
A long barrel firearm that shoots metal bullets at targets with an effective range of 150m.
Pistol10 gcD6 DMG, reduce DR by 1A short barrel firearm that shoots metal bullets at targets with an effective range of 50m.
Shortbow1 gcD4 DMGA small, recurve bow that shoots arrows at targets with an effective range of 250m. There is no penalty to use a short bow while mounted.
Sling1 ccD4 DMGA leather strap used to fire rocks or small metal bullets at targets with an effective range of 200m.

Ranged (Heavy Arms) (Ground)

Ballista100 gcD10 DMG, reduce DR by 2, reload, crewedA Ballista is a massive crossbow. It requires a crew of two people to fire and has an effective range of 500m. It takes two rounds to reload a ballista.
Bombard500 gcD12 DMG, negates DR, reload, crewedA Bombard is a massive artillery piece that needs to be transported on a heavy wagon or sld. It requires a crew of three people to fire and has an effective range of 700m. Everyone in a 5m radius of where the shot lands must roll a Feats of Agility DC10 skill check. A success takes half damage and a failure takes full damage. It takes 5 rounds to reload a Bombard.
Catapult50 gcD10 DMG, negates DR, reload, crewedA catapult is a siege weapon capable of hurling large rocks for an effective range of 300m. It takes a crew of 3 people to fire a catapult. It takes 3 rounds to reload a catapult.
Mortar75 gcD8 DMG, reduce DR by 3, reload, crewedA Mortar is a smaller artillery piece that throws its shell in a high arc and is good at firing over walls. It requires a crew of 2 people to fire and has an effective range of 300m. Everyone in a 5m radius of where the shot lands must roll Feats of Agility DC10 skill check. A successful roll takes half damage, a failure takes full damage. It takes 2 rounds to reload a mortar.
Trebuchet200 gcD10 DMG, negates DR, reload, crewedA Trebuchet is a massive siege weapon crewed by 5 people that is capable of hurling very large rocks for an effective range of 500m. Everyone in a 5m radius of where the stone lands must roll a Feats of Agility DC10 skill check. A successful roll takes half damage, and a failure takes full damage. It takes 5 rounds to reload a Trebuchet.


Arrow x105 sc
An arrow for a short or long bow. Damage depends on the bow used.
Bolt, Ballista x15 sc
A massive bolt for a ballista.
Bolt, Light x103 sc
A bolt for a light crossbow.
Bolt, Heavy x105 sc
A bolt for a heavy crossbow.
Bombard Shot x120 gc
A massive iron ball for a Bombard.
Dart x106 cc
A small dart for a blowgun.
Shot, Mortar x11 gc
Large iron ball for a mortar.
Shot, Personal x107 sc
Iron ball shot for an Arquebus or Pistol. Damage depends on the weapon used.
Sling Bullet x103 cc
Rounded stone shot for a sling.

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