Playable Species


What can we say, Humanity is supremely adaptable, technologically adept, prone to violence, and always looking for the next new thing. They are a decentralized mass of swarms always on the move and The Black is the new frontier of exploration and exploitation.

Humans are a varied and prolific species. They range from four to seven feet in height with most people averaging five to six feet, weigh from ninety to two hundred fifty pounds as adults, and can have almost any skin, hair, and eye color possible.

When creating a Human character, you start with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, humans start out with 1 skill rank in Feats of Agility and 1 skill rank in Persuasion.

Astral Fey

Natives of The Black, the Astral Fey long ruled the space ways, but have fallen on hard times in the last few centuries. Relegated closer to the fringes after humanity swarmed into The Black, the Astral Fey don’t seem to mind their fall in stature as they are far more concerned with reveling in life in general and exploring every nook and cranny of space they can.

Astral Fey range from three to five feet in height with most averaging four feet, are slight of build and can have almost any skin, hair, and eye color possible often with a slight glimmer to their skin. Most Astral Fey also have a small pair of gossamer wings that can be used for short flights in The Black. They can also survive the void outside their ship’s pressurized compartments for several minutes.

When creating an Astral Fey character, you start with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, Astral Fey start out with 1 skill rank in Feats of Agility and 1 skill rank in Insight.


Looking like nothing more than a stack of rocks when resting, Asterons are creatures native to the largest asteroid field in space. Coming from such a harsh environment has made Asterons into a very communal species that are always looking for a group of talented individuals to belong to. Tight groups are stronger than individuals and better able to survive the harsh realities of life and Asterons strive to hold a good group together.

Asterons range from five to seven feet in height with most averaging six feet, are squarely built, and are usually grey, white, or brown in color. Their hard, rocky exterior gives them a natural DR 1.

When creating an Asteron character, you start with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, Asterons start with 1 skill rank in Feats of Strength and 1 skill rank in Wilderness Survival (specifically around living in The Black).


Squishy bodies full of tentacles adapted to work alongside bipedal species, the Marwhals were once thought to be an enemy by the Astral Fey. Highly morphic, the Marwhals eventually shaped themselves to better communicate with speech and everyone found that they were actually very curious beings with a heightened territorial sense. If they claim an area or a ship or a group as theirs they will attack others they perceive as encroaching on their claim. After centuries they are fully integrated into the space lanes and are sought after crew members for their curiosity and their extreme loyalty to a crew and ship they have claimed as thiers.

Marwhals have boneless bodies that can appear as a mass of clumped tentacles that have adapted to a biped form. Most have eyes on either side of what passes for a head and have mouths lined with tiny, needle like teeth that are suited for communications with others after long alterations to their original form. Their surface can be nearly any color in the rainbow and subtly changes color with their environment or mood. They range from 7 to 9 feet tall with most being in the 7 to 8 foot range with slender builds that pack a lot of strength. They wear very little in the way of clothing with most of it being functional pieces for armor or carrying equipment.

When creating a Marwhal character, you start with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in one skill to start. In addition, Marwhals start with 1 skill rank in Feats of Strength and 1 skill rank in Investigation.


Reminiscent of apes common on many worlds, Simmals are as advanced in intellect and skill as any of the other major species that ply the space lanes. Gifted with strength greater than the average human for their relative size as well as strong wills from their time in enslavement, Simmals are a proud species often sought out as very capable crew members.

For many centuries, the bulk of the Simmal species was enslaved by the Rimbari Empire and forced into brutal physical labor. The Rimbari mentalists used their psychic powers to force compliance and keep the Simmal in line. Over time the constant exposure to the psychic attacks built up the Simmal resistance to its use and weakened the Empires hold on their minds. When humans first began their expansion into The Black they quickly encountered the Rimbari Empire and came into instant conflict. While they didn’t destroy the empire to free the Simmals, the result of humanities war was the freeing of the Simmals from centuries of oppression. That act combined with the warm reception of the humans forged a bond between Humans and Simmal that continues to this day and they are often seen working and living together in harmony.

Ranging from three to five feet in height, Simmals are shorter than humans, but often have a strong, stocky build. They are covered in fur that is generally brown, black, or gray, but can range across the rainbow in color. 

When creating a Simmal character you start with 10 skill points to distribute as you like with no more than 2 skill ranks in any one skill to start. In addition, Simmals start with 1 skill rank in Feats of Strength and 1 skill rank in Mental Fortitude.

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