
Space Galleon Mechanics

Each Space Galleon is comprised of several modules and the size of the ship determines how many modules a ship has available. When creating your Space Galleon first you determine its size, then you determine what modules populate each of the available spaces on your ship, and then you add any equipment or modifications to each module that you can afford. Once you are done outfitting the ship, you can determine how many crew are onboard beyond your player characters and assign them their functions and then you will have a completed Space Galleon


Space Galleons have a size rating of 1 to 5. The size rating determines how many modules are available and how many crew are needed to operate the vessel according to the following table:

Size Rating# of Modules# of Crew


Modules are used to populate the room and ship systems. The larger the ship, the more modules, and the more functions the ship can perform or people it can hold. Every ship needs a Helm as its first module, so Size Rating 1 ships are only a Helm that can hold one crew, the helmsman. Think of Size Rating 1 ships as shuttles or nimble fighters that only use the weapons the helmsman can carry. In addition, each Module has a Quality Rating from 1 to 3 that is used to calculate the Hit Points of that Module. Beyond the Helm, each ship can be equipped with the following modules:

Module NameFunctionAvailable FittingsMechanicsQuality/Cost
Crew CompartmentRoom for the crew to sleep, eat, and lounge when off duty. This module can also hold enough stores to keep the crew alive for 10 days.Hammocks, Bunks, Cots, Galley, Fancy KitchenRoom for entire crew of that galleons size rating. (i.e. a crew compartment for a Size 2 ship can hold 5 people and a crew compartment for a Size 4 ship can hold 20 people.Q1: Spartan: X GC
Q2: Average: X GC
Q3: Luxury: X GC
Cargo HoldSpace for carrying cargo. Cargo holds can be pressurized or non-pressurized.Stables, Cages, Shelves, Safes,Room for 5 horse sized animals per Size Rating of the ship the cargo hold is installed in.
Weapon DeckA deck with ports to outside of the ship housing the large weapons of the vessel. Usually non-pressurized especially when the ports are open for combat.Ammo Stores, Rocket Launchers, Slug Throwers, Grappling Lines,A Weapon Deck can hold one crew weapon per the Size Rating of the ship it is installed in.
VIP QuartersRoom for the Captain of the ship or other important people that regularly travel onboard.Bed, Fancy Bed, Desk, Bookshelf, Safe, Weapon Rack,VIP Quarters can range from a simple, separate room from the rest of the crew, to an ornate palace.
Craft ShopA room stocked with workbenches and materials to create new items or repair the ship.Workbench, Storage Cabinet, Tool Shed, Repair KitEvery ship equipped with a Craft Shop gains ADV when trying to conduct repairs while underway.
LaboratoryA room for alchemists, magicians, scientists, and others to research and conduct experimentsBookshelf, Workbench, Lab Equipment, Map Case, Telescope, Orrey,Every ship equipped with a Laboratory gains ADV when rolling Investigation and Technology skill checks.


Each module has a list of available fittings that can be placed in that module. Each fitting provides a new function, storage, weapon, or other item that can be used while in that module. In addition, each ship can be fitted with armor to give it DR.

FittingFunctionModule FitMechanicsCost
Gunpowder Rocket Launcher6 pack rocket launcherWeapon DeckRanged (Heavy Arms) skill roll for to hit. 6 attacks before one round needed to reload the launcher. d10 DMGX GC
Slug Thrower, LightSmaller ship mounted slug throwerWeapon DeckRanged (Heavy Arms) skill roll for to hit. No extra reload time needed. d6 DMG
Slug Thrower, HeavyLarger ship mounted slug throwerWeapon DeckRanged (Heavy Arms) skill roll for to hit. No extra reload time needed. d8 DMG
Grappling LineHarpoon cannon firing a strong grappling lineWeapon DeckRanged (Heavy Arms) skill roll for to hit. One round to reload after each firing. Successful hit does 1 DMG and ties the ships together. Optional winch can be used to drag the ships closer for boarding or crew members can make Feats of Strength skill roll to haul in the other vessel. Grapple Line has 3 HP if other vessel tries to cut the line.
Repair KitSet of tools, materials, and other equipment needed to quickly repair the ships hull.Craft ShopEach Craft Shop can hold 3 repair kits at most. Each Repair Kit can be used to add additional ADV to ship repair rolls.
TelescopeLarge scope used for exploration and navigation aid.LaboratoryA Telescope can be used to provide ADV on Investigation skill checks when exploring objects in The Black. It can also provide ADV on skill checks related to navigation.
WorkbenchTools and station for crafting new items and tools for use on the shipCraft ShopA workbench can provide ADV to Technology skill checks when crafting new items.


Armor TypeDRSpeed ReductionCost
Wood1NoneNo Extra Cost: Hull is made of wood.
Iron2-1X GC
Steel3-2X GC
Crystal Weave3-1X GC


Every Space Galleon has a set of Stats that define certain characteristics of the ship that are mainly used in combat. These Stats can tell you how well constructed, how much armor, or how fast a ship is.

Size Rating: 1 to 5 (Determines the number of modules available for fitting on the ship)

Module Hit Points: Module Quality Rating x 5 = (Each module has a quality rating of 1 to 3. When equipped on a ship take the quality rating times 5 determine that modules Hit Points)

Damage Reduction (DR): 1 to 3 (Galleons automatically come with Wood armor from their hull construction, but can have additional materials layered over top for armor. Refer to the Armor table in Fittings for the DR derived by the armor type fitted to the ship)

Speed: 1 to 3 (Each ship uses an Aether Gem to propel it through space. The Quality of the Aether Gem determines a ships speed and heavier armor can detract from that speed. The Speed Rating of a ship is the bonus to any Driving skill checks to perform maneuvers or attempt to escape in a chase)

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