
Acid Splash

A ball of searing acid that causes 4 points of damage to all creatures in a 5-meter diameter. The ball can be flung up to 20 meters away before it explodes.

DR: Applies

DC: Cast Magic to hit roll.

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the acid splash lands at the feet of the spell caster and causes half damage to anyone in a 5-meter diameter, on a critical success the damage is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: Affected creatures must make a Feats of Agility DC 10 skill check to quickly remove any remaining acid or suffer another 2 points of damage the next round.


A nearby object is set as an alarm for a 20-meter diameter around it. If any creature enters the area, the alarm is triggered. The caster can determine if they want a silent, mental alarm that only they hear, or a loud, audible alarm that anyone in the area can hear. In either case, the caster can sense that the alarm has been triggered up to 10 kilometers away.

DR: n/a

DC: 8

Critical Effects: There are no critical effects for Alarm.

Special Effects/Notes: The alarm can be removed from the object as a free action by the caster.

Animal Messenger

You command an animal to deliver a short message to a location you have been to before or someone you have met before. The animal will travel as fast as it can to deliver the message but will only retain the message and the compulsion to deliver it for a week. When it reaches its target, the animal will deliver its message in your voice. If the target animal is larger than a dog, it gets a Mental Fortitude DC 15 save to resist your spell.

DR: n/a

DC: 5

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the animal turns hostile and attacks the caster, on a critical success the caster can specify that the message is delivered non-verbally into the recipient's mind.

Special Effects/Notes: None

Aura of Healing

You radiate the light of Ayten in a 5-meter diameter and any non-hostile creature in that area receives d6 magical healing.

DR: n/a

DC: 12

Critical Effects: On a critical failure all affected creatures gain 1 point of damage, on a critical success the healing power is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: Aura of Healing can be used to end the lingering effects of poisons, diseases, or lasting wounds.


You attempt to send an otherworldly creature back to its plane of existence (i.e., an infernal warrior to the hells or a celestial being to the heavens). You can only attempt to banish a creature you have line of sight to. The target can attempt a Mental Fortitude DC 15 skill check to resist the banishment.

DR: n/a

DC: 18

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster gains the fatigued condition for one minute and you immediately alert the target creature to your presence, on a critical success the target cannot make a Mental Fortitude skill check to resist the banishment.

Special Effects/Notes: You cannot use this spell to banish a creature native to this plane to another plane of existence.

Birds Wings

You or a willing target you can touch instantly grow large, feathered wings and can fly for the next 10 minutes.

DR: n/a 

DC: 15

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: The affected creature still retains all its regular attributes and skills and gains the ability to fly. If it is flying when the spell wears off the creature will fall. The wings can be targeted on a called shot and will break if they take 2 or more damage.

Blessings of Ayten

The light and strength of Ayten are bestowed upon you or your companions. The target is granted an additional +1 bonus to Feats of Strength and Feats of Agility skill checks for the next 10 minutes.

DR: n/a

DC: 12

\Critical Effects: On a critical failure the spell caster is given the fatigued condition for 1 minute, on a critical success the target gains +2 to the relevant skill checks.

Special Effects/Notes: If casting on another creature they must be within 5 meters of you for the spell to take effect.

Blessings of Asil

The profound insight of Asil is bestowed upon you or your companions. The target is granted an additional +1 bonus to Intent skill checks for the next ten minutes.

DR: n/a

DC: 12

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the spell caster is given the fatigued condition for 1 minute, on a critical success the target gains +2 on Intent skill checks.

Special Effects/Notes: If casting on another creature they must be within 5 meters of you for the spell to take effect.

Blessings of Umer

The wisdom of Umer is bestowed upon you or your companions. The target is granted an additional +1 to Mental Fortitude skill checks for the next 10 minutes.

DR: n/a

DC: 12

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the spell caster is given the fatigued condition for 1 minute, on a critical success the target gains +2 on Mental Fortitude skill checks.

Special Effects/Notes: If casting on another creature they must be within 5 meters of you for the spell to take effect.


You or a target you can touch become so brave you are immune to the Frightened condition and gain +2 on to hit rolls for 1 minute

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster is fatigued for 1 minute, on a critical success the target gains 2 temporary hit points for the duration of the spell.

Special Effects/Notes: None.

Charm Creature

You cause one creature you target within 10 meters to become friendly towards you for 1 hour. The creature can roll a DC 15 Mental Fortitude skill check to resist the spells effects. A charmed creature will not attack or otherwise attempt to harm the caster and may offer helpful assistance in certain circumstances.

DR: n/a

DC: 12

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster becomes friendly towards the target for 1 minute and will not attack them, on a critical success the target is unable to make the Mental Fortitude skill check to resist the spells effects.

Special Effects/Notes: If the caster attacks the charmed creature or otherwise directly harms it, the spell effects end instantaneously. This spell cannot charm humanoid creatures (e.g., Humans, Al'Kem, Giants, etc.).

Charm Humanoid

You cause one humanoid creature you target within 10 meters to become friendly towards you for 1 hour. The creature can roll a DC 15 Mental Fortitude skill check to resist the spells effects. A charmed humanoid will not attack or otherwise attempt to harm the caster and may offer helpful assistance in certain circumstances.

DR: n/a

DC: 15

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster becomes friendly towards the target for 1 minute and will not attack them, on a critical success the target is unable to make the Mental Fortitude skill check to resist the spells effects.

Special Effects/Notes: If the caster attacks the charmed humanoid or otherwise directly harms it, the spells effects end instantaneously. This spell cannot charm a non-humanoid creature (e.g., a bear or octopus).

Circle of Pain

You cause every creature in a 5-meter diameter that can be placed 20 meters from the caster to experience intense waves of pain for 4 damage.

DR: n/a

DC: 12

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the center of the circle falls on the caster, and everyone affected takes half damage, on a critical success the damage is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: None

Comprehend Language

You gain the ability to understand the written and spoken forms of a language you otherwise do not know. The effects last for 1 hour and only pertain to a language that you are currently hearing or a written form you are currently touching.

DR: n/a

DC: 5

Critical Effects: On a critical failure you gain the fatigued condition for 1 minute, on a critical success you comprehend the language for 2 hours.

Special Effects/Notes: The spell does not decode encoded speech or text. You can create a translated copy of a written document that you can comprehend with the spell for the duration of the spell.

Conjure Animal

You call a small animal to your side. The animal stays by your side for 1 hour and obeys your commands before disappearing when the spell is over. Use the attacks and skills in the appropriate animal creature description for any actions the animal takes.

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the animal appears, but is not under your control, on a critical success the animal is a dire version of the creature.

Special Effects/Notes: The conjured animal can be dismissed as a free action by the caster at any time. The conjured animal disappears if it receives enough damage to kill it. The animal conjured can't be larger than the caster (e.g., A human could conjure a wolf or badger, but not an elk or bear).

Conjure Elemental

You call an elemental avatar of air, earth, fire, or water to our plane of existence. The elemental stays on this plane for 1 minute and obeys your commands while the spell lasts. Use the attacks and skills in the appropriate elemental creature description for any actions the elemental takes.

DR: n/a

DC: 12

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the elemental appears, but is not under your control, on a critical success the elemental is a greater version of the creature.

Special Effects/Notes: The conjured elemental can be dismissed as a free action by the caster at any time. The conjured elemental disappears if it takes enough damage to kill it.

Contact the Planes

You mentally contact a creature on another plane of existence. If successful cast the spell allows you to ask the entity contacted three questions that can be answered with yes, no, perhaps, never, or unknown. The plane you contact and the entity in question is up to the caster.

DR: n/a

DC: 18

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster gains the exhausted condition, on a critical success the caster can ask questions that can be answered with a short phrase or sentence.

Special Effects/Notes: You must ask your questions within five minutes, or you lose contact with the entity. If you contact an entity with the Mythic identifier, you must make a DC 18 Mental Fortitude skill check at the end of the spell or gain the insanity condition.

Control the Elements

You can control a small amount of air, earth, fire, or water within a 2-meter cube centered up to 20 meters from the caster. The effect lasts for 5 rounds. Within the area of effect, you can manipulate the element in almost any way you can think of. The element controlled must exist in that space already and cannot be conjured (i.e., you can manipulate water in a small pond nearby, but cannot manipulate water in a desert that is not already there). This spell is open ended in its possible effects and the player and DM can work out what is possible or not at the time of casting.

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: Some examples or possible elemental control include snuffing out a fire, parting a body of water, stacking stones, or creating a light gust of wind. The effect cannot be used to directly cause damage or harm to a creature, but they can be harmed by the element after the spell has taken effect (e.g., You cause a pool of water to form in an area and a creature slips in the pool as it runs through it).

Curse (Ritual)

You can cast a curse on an individual that targets a skill, gives them a condition or lasting effect, or saddles them with a specific effect of your choosing (e.g., You could curse someone with a -2 penalty to Feats of Strength, give them a Disease condition, or decree that they can never come within 30 meters of their true love).

DR: n/a

DC: 16

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the lead caster gains an Infected Wound and loses 1 hit point per day until cured, on a critical success the DC to remove the curse is 2 points higher than normal.

Special Effects/Notes: The ritual takes 3 rounds and a minimum of 3 people to cast. This ritual is very open ended in what effects it can cause and the player and the GM should outline exactly how the target is affected, how the curse can be lifted, and any other relevant information for the curse before it is cast (e.g., The player and the GM determine that the target of the curse will receive a Wasting Disease and will lose 1 hit point a week until cured and normal magical means will not cure the curse, only having the target bathe in the Waters of Mura will cure the disease).


You create a 5-meter diameter sphere of magical darkness centered up to 20 meters from the caster. The effect lasts for 10 minutes and cannot be seen through with darkvision, infravision, or other types of vision other than Flawless Sight.

DR: n/a

DC: 8

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: The darkness can be dispelled by the caster at any time as a free action. Can be countered by a Light spell overlapping with the sphere.


You or a target you can touch can see 30 meters into full, nonmagical darkness for 1 hour. 

DR: n/a

DC: 5

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: None


You touch one target and give them a minor disease from the list of setting diseases.

DR: n/a

DC: Cast Magic to hit roll.

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster gains the fatigued condition for 1 minute, on a critical success the caster can choose from the major disease list of setting diseases.

Special Effects/Notes: A creature can be cured of the disease given by a Remove Affliction spell or by following the cure listed in the disease description.


You or a target you can touch can grow larger or smaller for 1 minute. Everything the affected creature is wearing or carrying changes size with it as long as it stays in contact with the affected creature. An enlarged creature grows to twice its size and a reduced creature shrinks to half its size.

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: An enlarged creature gains +2 on melee damage and a reduced creature gains -2 on melee damage. The spell can only be cast on a willing target.

Elemental Wall

You create a 5-meter high and 10-meter-long wall of churning air, earth, fire, or water that lasts for 1 minute. The wall provides cover and restricts vision directly through the wall. A creature attempting to move through the wall takes d8 damage from the violently moving elements.

DR: Applies

DC: 12

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: The wall cannot be damaged by regular means but can be dispelled by a Counter Magic opposed roll. The caster can dispel the wall at any time as a free action.

Far Sense

You create an invisible space in the air from which you can see and hear as if you were standing there. The space can be cast up to a kilometer away from you but must be in a place you have visited before if it is more than 20 meters away from you (i.e., you could place it in the grand ballroom of the castle 500 meters away if you had been there earlier, or around the corner in a hallway you have never seen if it is less than 20 meters away).

DR: n/a

DC: 8

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster is blinded for 1 round, on a critical success even a creature with Flawless Sight active cannot sense the spell.

Special Effects/Notes: A creature with Flawless Sight can see a shimmering effect where the spell is active if they have direct line of sight to the area.


You cause a target within 10 meters to gain the frightened condition for 3 rounds. The target can make a Mental Fortitude DC 15 skill check to resist the spells effects.

DR: n/a

DC: 8

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster gains the frightened condition from the target for 1 round, on a critical success the target is not able to make a Mental Fortitude skill check to resist the spells effects.

Special Effects/Notes: None

Feed the Hungry

You create enough food and water to sustain 5 humanoids or 3 mounts for a day. The food and water will spoil as normal if not consumed in a timely manner.

DR: n/a

DC: 8

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: None

Fiery Blast

A directed beam of intense fire causes 4 points of damage to any creature the caster targets within 15 meters.

DR: Applies

DC: Cast Magic to hit roll.

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the fiery blast flies in a random direction determined by a d8 roll, on a critical success the damage is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: Flammable items on the target may catch on fire. GM will determine the effects of these fires.


Causes 10 points of damage to all creatures in a 10-meter diameter of the blast point. Blast point can be placed 20 meters from the caster.

DR: Applies

DC: 15

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the fireball blast point is on the caster, and everyone affected takes half damage, on a critical success the damage is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: Flammable items in the blast will either be incinerated or caught on fire. GM will determine the effects of these fires and whether they spread or not.

Flawless Sight

The caster or a target you can touch gains the ability to see in total darkness, view invisible and fully invisible creatures, see through Vibrating Image or other magical effects on vision. This effect lasts for one hour.

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster is blinded for one hour, on a critical success the effect lasts for two hours.

Special Effects/Notes: None.

Fog of War

You create a 10-meter diameter sphere of fog centered up to 30 meters from the caster for 10 minutes. The fog acts obscures objects in its sphere from normal and darkvision, but they can be seen with infravision and Flawless Sight. Anyone attacking another creature in the fog receives a -4 penalty to hit.

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: The fog can be dispelled by the caster at any time as a free action.

Ghost Walk

You cause yourself or a target you can touch to gain the invisible condition for one round. The affected creature cannot make any attacks or cause damage to an object, or they will immediately reappear.

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster is given the fatigued condition for 1 minute, on a critical success the affected creature is given the fully invisible condition for one round.

Special Effects/Notes: None.

Hand of Timur

A large, floating hand of the titan Timur appears before the caster who can command it to perform actions listed below for 1 minute. Each action the Hand takes is an action by the caster for that round when in combat. If the caster wishes to take their own action, they can let the hand hover in place for that round. 

DR: Applies 

DC: 10 

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the Hand slams into the caster for 2 points of damage but remains to be commanded further, on a critical success the Hand ignores DR when dealing damage. 

Special Effects/Notes: The Hand of Timur can accomplish the following tasks:

  • Attack: Clenching into a fist the caster can use an action to strike a creature using a Cast Magic skill roll to hit and causing d8 damage.
  • Grasp: The Hand grapples the target with the caster using a Cast Magic skill roll to hit.
  • Push: The Hand pushes the target 5 meters away with the caster using a Cast Magic skill roll to hit.

The Hand can be attacked, and it has DR0 and 5 hit points. It disappears upon receiving 5 or more damage.

Hizir's Rebuke

You manifest the power of the titan Hizir and cause d10 damage to a creature within 20 meters with a spoken word of power.

DR: Applies

DC: Cast Magic to hit roll.

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster receives 2 points of damage, on a critical success the damage is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: None

Ice Shards

You send a stream of jagged, ice shards at a target within 20 meters of the caster causing 4 points of damage.

DR: Applies

DC: Cast Magic to hit roll.

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the shards fall on the caster and cause 1 point of damage, on a critical success the damage is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: None


You create a 5-meter diameter sphere of magical light centered up to 20 meters from the caster. The effect lasts for 10 minutes.

DR: n/a

DC: 5

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: The light can be dispelled by the caster at any time as a free action. Can be countered by a Darkness spell overlapping with the sphere.

Lightning Strike

You cause a bolt of lightning to arc from your hands to your target causing 8 damage to a targeted creature within 15 meters.

DR: Applies

DC: Cast Magic to hit roll.

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the lightning bolt hits the caster for 2 damage, on a critical success the damage is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: None


You or a target within 20 meters gains a d4 dice that can be added to one skill check or to hit roll for the next minute.

DR: n/a

DC: 5

Critical Effects: None

Special Effects/Notes: None

Magic Eye

You create a small, magical eye that hovers in the air for up to an hour. You can see what the eye sees for the duration of the spell. You can move the eye 20 meters per round as an action.

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster is blinded for 1 round, on a critical success the magic eye can move through solid objects.

Special Effects/Notes: None

Magic Lock

You create a magical lock on a door, window, gate, chest, or other object that can be opened or closed. You and any others you designate during casting can bypass the magic lock. The magic lock can be opened by a Counter Magic 

DC 15 skill check or by physically destroying the object with a 2 DR added to the object.

DR: 2 DR added to the object when it is attacked.

DC: 10 Critical Effects: 

None Special Effects/Notes: The magic lock can be dispelled by the caster as a free action.

Major Healing

A gentle touch brings otherworldly healing power that heals d8 points of damage to the target.

DR: n/a

DC: 10

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the target gains 2 points of damage, on a critical success the healing power is doubled.

Special Effects/Notes: Major Healing can be used to end the lingering effects of diseases, poisons, or lasting wounds. You must be able to touch your target for the spell to take effect.

Mark of Ayten

You cause a target up to 20 meters away from the caster to be bathed in light for 1 minute. The affected creature gains -4 to Stealth skill checks and anyone attacking the affected creature gets a +2 bonus to hit.

DR: n/a

DC: 8

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster is given the Mark of Ayten, on a critical success the target creature is blinded for the first round after the spell is cast.

Special Effects/Notes: The caster may end the spell at any time as a free action.

Mass Charm

You cause a group of humanoids in a 10-meter diameter that can be placed 30 meters from the caster to become friendly towards you for 1 hour. The creatures can roll a DC 15 Mental Fortitude skill check to resist the spells effects using the highest skill bonus in the group. A charmed group of humanoids will not attack or otherwise attempt to harm the caster and may offer helpful assistance in certain circumstances.

DR: n/a

DC: 18

Critical Effects: On a critical failure the caster becomes friendly towards the targets for 1 minute and will not attack them, on a critical success the targets are unable to make the Mental Fortitude skill check to resist the spells effects.

Special Effects/Notes: If the caster attacks anyone in the group of charmed humanoids or otherwise directly harms them, the spells effects end instantaneously. This spell cannot charm a group of non-humanoid creatures (e.g., a bears or octopi).

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